And here I go again. I'm falling, falling, falling, into that dead sea. The feelings and emotions have begun to swirl. They're churning and mixing, and swirling. They're blending together into that grey mush that is my sanity. And here I am, sinking. I'm sinking in this mush and its thick and suffocating. My mind was racing and now its churning, and my body is limp in this suffocating mush that is the dead Sea. And I'm dead. Dead inside because these feelings were racing and now they're churning. And I can't breath in the churning, and I couldn't keep up with the racing. And it's just me down here, sinking or am I falling? I'm lifeless but inside I'm all mixed up. And I can't keep it together. Why won't my body do what my brain wants it to do, why won't my brain do what I want it to do? I can't even cry out for help because I'm suffocating in grey mush that is my feelings, and drowning in a dead sea that is my depression. Depression is deep. This sea is deep. And anxiety is the mush, always racing and churning. And I am confused, because which am I? Depressed or anxious, because they are two polar opposites pulling at me from either end of my being. And I'm ripping, and the tears are forming. I can feel them starting to burn behind my eyelids. And these words and sentences are never ending, just like the pulling, and the drowning, and the churning. And the world is moving and I'm standing still, caught between depression and anxiety, but inside I'm not. OK?